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Restorative Dental Services

At Big Bay Dental, we offer a range of restorative dental services to help revitalize smiles from across Barrie and Innisfil.

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Restorative Dental Services, Barrie Dentist

Repair, Restore & Revitalize Your Smile

Restorative dental care includes procedures that aim to repair damage and restore the normal function and appearance of your smile.

By repairing structural problems such as chips and cracks and replacing missing teeth, our dentists can help to improve the overall health of your smile and prevent issues from becoming increasingly severe.

Whatever your dental issue is, our team can develop a restorative dental treatment plan to help get you back on track and smiling!

Same-Day Restorations

Our dentists can create and place natural-looking crowns, inlays and onlays in a single appointment, helping to restore good health to your smile quickly and conveniently. At Big Bay Dental, we use our onsite SprintRay Dental 3D Printer to produce same-day restorations, aligners, crowns, bridges and more.

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Dental Crowns

Crowns are custom-made porcelain caps that are placed over top of teeth to strengthen their structure, restore function and give a healthier appearance to the tooth. Crowns are individually fabricated to precisely fit your damaged tooth. Our Barrie dentists offer same-day crowns to help restore teeth that have undergone root canal therapy and those that are cracked, chipped, or poorly shaped.

Dental Bridges

Gaps left by missing teeth can lead to escalating oral health issues such as the shifting of remaining teeth or bone deterioration. Bridges are natural-looking tooth replacements that fill the gap left by missing teeth, helping to maintain oral health. Because they are custom-made, bridges are barely noticeable and can help to restore the natural contour of teeth and the bite between upper and lower teeth.

Dental Fillings

At Big Bay Dental, we use composite (tooth-coloured) fillings to repair cavities and tooth damage, such as cracks. These fillings blend well with the colour of natural teeth, making them barely noticeable. Composite fillings are strong enough to withstand moderate pressure from the constant stress of chewing and can be used on front and back teeth.

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are custom-made fillings used to repair cavities when the damage is too extensive for a standard dental filling. These durable restorations can be manufactured from composite materials, precious metal or tooth-colored porcelain. Big Bay Dental offers same-day inlays and onlays to help make dental care more convenient.

Full & Partial Dentures

Dentures can be a cost-effective way to replace one or more missing teeth. This tooth replacement option allows patients with missing teeth to maintain their facial structure, talk clearly and chew more effectively. Full and partial dentures are available depending on the number of teeth being replaced. Compared with dentures of the past, today's dentures are more comfortable and look more natural than ever.

Non-Surgical Periodontal (Gum) Therapy

Periodontal disease is an infection that affects different tissues within the mouth, such as the gums, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligament. Left untreated periodontal disease can contribute to tooth loss and health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. At Big Bay Dental, our team is pleased to offer laser hygiene therapy to remove infectious bacteria and restore good oral health.

Root Canals

Root canals involve the removal of diseased blood vessels, nerves and tissues from the interior of a tooth. By removing the decay and bacteria, your dentist can help relieve pain, halt the spread of infection and prevent the need for an extraction. These common dental procedures can now be performed with minimal discomfort and offer a variety of benefits.

Dental Sedation

TMJ Disorder Treatment

The temporomandibular joint (or TMJ) is the hard-working hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. Disorders related to this joint can cause issues with your jaw and the muscles in your face, leading to painful symptoms such as jaw pain, migraines, and earaches. Our dentists can test, diagnose, and provide a treatment plan for TMJ Disorder.

New Patients Always Welcome

Our team is always happy to see new smiles! Contact us today to book an appointment and let us know how we can help you reach your smile goals.

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